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The Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension

The Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension (DLLE) was established on October 12, 1978, and has been recognized as a Statutory Department and one of the authorities of the University of Mumbai since 1994 to promote a meaningful and sustained rapport between the Universities and the community. It is functioning under the Board for Lifelong Learning and Extension to create skilled and learned human power through its various degree level programs and skills development programs.

The DLLE with the diverse academic and technical resources supports the community-based extension work activities in collaboration with its specific mandate to work for the less privileged sections of the society and our efforts are to extend educational programs that will enhance and improve the quality of life of such groups with the central objective of “reach to unreached”.

College students are enrolled for extension work projects and perform various activities for social awareness based on various issues / problems in society such as Save Girl Child, Pollution, Aids, Global Warming, Environment, Tree Plantation, Importance of Education, Illiteracy, Child Labor, Dowry Deaths, Malnutrition, Watershed Management and so many. The students are creating awareness about these social problems / issues through various activities such as Street Play, Exhibition, Poster Making, Songs, Speech, Survey, Elocution, Seminar & Conferences. For this purpose, students are actually going to society and involve the community and make them aware of our role in eradicating social problems faced by society and trying to convince the people human duties as an ideal citizen. To facilitate the sensitization of the student to socio-cultural realities, the Department offers extension work projects encompassing social issues for the student.

There are many Extensions Work Projects being offered by the department under the two different units for enhancing the employability and IT skills of the student.

The projects are as given below:

I) Vocational Career Oriented Projects
  1. Career Project [CP]
  2. Industry Orientation Project [IOP]
  3. Anna Poorna Yojana [APY]
  4. Skill Development (SD)
II) Community Oriented Projects
  1. Population Education Club (PEC)
  2. Survey Research
  3. Education for All (EFA- NIOS, IDOL)
  4. Environment Education
  5. Civic Sense (CS)
  6. Consumer Guidance



  • Ms. Rajeshree Kolhatkar


  • Dr. Devyani Awade


  • Ms. Bhumika Desai

  • Dr. Ketaki Tawade

  • Ms. Deepti Deshpande

  • Mr. Dattatray Yadav

  • Ms. Shobhana Selvaraj Nadar

Reports of Activities

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