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National Facility For Biopharmaceuticals

The first of its kind in India, we are committed to “Hands-On” training on various aspects of Biopharma industry with specialization in Molecular Biology, Protein Purification, Fermentation and Mammalian tissue culture techniques. Over the years, the NFB has compiled a comprehensive offering of hands on training modules used to teach the many aspects of specific job functions, regulations, and applications found within these industries. We also offer services that cater to the needs of both Industry and Academia.


We have established a National Facility for Biopharmaceuticals which will specifically address the human resource development. The Facility is designed and constructed strictly with international standards required for developing and manufacturing of recombinant Biopharmaceutical product. It would have GLP certification and ISO certifications required for the services it proposes to provide. The Facility has space and facilities for each student to excel in the area of Biotechnology / Bioprocess with hands on experience. The Facility would provide “third-party” evaluations of technology, products, processes and human resource in this highly competitive and sensitive field.

Our Vision & Mission Statement

The 1st of its kind in India, committed to “Hands-On” training on various aspects of Biopharma industry with specialization in Molecular Biology, Protein Purification, Fermentation and Mammalian tissue culture techniques.

Vision -  To transform Education into Expertise in a sustainable manner by providing best-in-class facilities, infrastructure and training to students, teachers and professionals; thereby empowering them to maximize their true potential.

Mission -  The Mission of National Facility for Biopharmaceuticals (NFB) is to be the best of its kind in providing hands on training in the field of Biopharmaceuticals in India. NFB is focused on bridging the gap between academics and industry in order to produce holistic experts for industrial environment, teaching and research.


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